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Refund Policy

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Insaaf99 strives to ensure that the services you avail through the Site and Applications are to your full satisfaction and are available to you at extremely reasonable and affordable prices. However, there may arise situations when you desire to Cancel or avail a Refund.

When User pays for the services but later decides that he/she does not wish to avail the Service, the User may opt to Cancel his/her Order within 4 hours of making the payment for purchasing the service or before taking the service, whichever is earlier.

If the service has already started, then the Order cannot be Cancelled. In such cases, Refund Policy will apply. User can apply for a Refund under any of the following conditions:

  1. If the Refund falls under a Money Back Guarantee scheme which is duly published on the Site and/or communicated to you in writing through any electronic medium, and the User satisfies all the terms and conditions of the Money Back Guarantee scheme, they shall be entitled to a Refund.
  2. OR, when there is a delay in the services offered from Insaaf99, beyond the time frame intimated to the User, only for factors for which Insaaf99 is solely responsible.
  3. In any or all of the above situations, kindly send an e-mail to: contact@Insaaf99.in mentioning the Order Id and the reason for claiming Refund. Upon receiving your e-mail, the Senior Management at Insaaf99 shall decide on whether User’s request for a Refund should be reserves the right to take the final and binding decision with regard to requests for Refund. In case the Refund is approved by Insaaf99, then only the professional fees paid for the services shall be refunded. Any Government fees or Taxes paid shall not be refunded. The maximum refund amount claimable from Insaaf99 cannot exceed the amount paid by the User to Insaaf99 for availing the services. The Refund amount will be credited to the User’s account within a maximum period of 15 working days from the Refund Approval date.
  4. In the majority of cases, there is NO other situation under which Insaaf99.com will provide a refund, except for the condition expressly mentioned above under Refund Policy. In exceptional circumstances, the Insaaf99.com team will work with you to reach a mutually acceptable solution. Insaaf99.com intends to be objective, fair and reasonable in resolving such situations in order to maintain a positive and harmonious relationship with Clients. The maximum refund amount claimable from Insaaf.com cannot exceed the amount paid by the user at Insaaf99.com for availing the Lawyer's service(s).
  5. No refund in any case whatsoever can be claimed from Insaaf99.com for the amount paid to the Lawyer directly by the user.
  6. Please note that there will be a nominal deduction (10%) in the amount refunded, payable towards online payment processing. The refund will be processed directly in your Bank / Credit Card account that was used to make the payment.
  7. If you do not agree to terms of our Policy we kindly request you to not use this site.

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